Projects 2020

Spring 2020


Team: UDU

Description: A toy company that makes physical play with a twist of gaming possible.
: DKK 142.720
Funded by: Verner Overgaards Familiefond


Team: June Systems

Description: Eliminating risk from birth, by making the golden standard in fetal more available.
Funding: DKK 115.000
Funded by: Kai Houmanns Nielsens Fond

Team: Cane-X

Description: CaneX is a handheld device that assists visually impaired people to navigate independently using cutting edge technologies such as TAPAS, obstacle detection, and an innovative gyroscopic system.
Funding: DKK 20.000
Funded by: BEVICA Fonden


Team: atSpiro ApS

Description: atSpiro is transforming the way biotech processes are developed
Funding: DKK 97.000
Funded by: Tranes Fond

Fall 2020


Team: Levara

DescriptionInnovative handicap equipment that addresses the challenge of toilet accessibility for people with mobility handicaps. 
Funding: DKK 51.000
Funded By: BEVICA Foundation


Team: Aerial Tools
 Aerial Tools is a hardware company that produces a heavy-duty Unmanned Aircraft System. We provides services for long endurance and multi sensory aerial inspections in remote off-shore locations.
Funding: DKK 90.000
Funded By: Den Danske Maritime Fond


Team: Reel
Reel democratizes the energy market enabling SMEs to procure energy with a real climate contribution
Funding: 150.000
Funded By: Nimbs Fond


Team: StaySeat
We work to create a better outdoor experience in a simple, comfortable, cost-effective and sustainable  alternative to the low energy efficient heat lamp at restaurants.
Funding: 65.000
Funded By: Nimbs Fond


Team: EasyWheels
En hjælpemotor til manuelle kørestole
Funding: 45.000
Funded By: Nimbs Fond


Team: Grotesk
Vi gror materialer til byggeindustrien. 
Funding: 50.000
Funded By: Nimbs Fond


Team: Simply
Making healthy and tasty pet treats from invasive species.
Funding: 40.000
Funded By: Nimbs Fond


Team: Panopti
We are making IT-security services available for small and midsized companies
Funding: 75.000
Funded By: Nimbs Fond


Team: Tollson ApS
Mechanical filtration technology for optimization of waste streams from industries, to support a sustainable future and increasing global demand for food.
Funding: 150.000
Funded By: Nimbs Fond


Team: Manevo
Fremstilling af automatiserede 3D printere til brug som industrielt produktionsværktøj.
Funding: 66.000
Funded By: Kai Houmann Nielsens Fond


Team: Paint’r 
We replace the outdated plastic paint bucket with a sustainable and ergonomically correct alternative.
Funding: 30.000
Funded By: Kai Houmann Nielsens Fond