Skylab Funding

Who is it for?

All teams with at least one DTU student/researcher or alumni (within 1 year from graduation) as part of the founding team are eligible to apply.

You don’t need a CVR number to apply for funding. However, if your project is funded, most of the foundations require that you establish a CVR number to receive the grant.

Note that DTU teams which have previously received grants from any of the researcher-focused funds (Discovery Grant, POC, InnoExplorer) are not eligible to apply for Skylab funding.


Why should you apply?

The main goal of the programme is to help DTU students find soft funding for developing their startups and prototypes.


When does it happen?

We receive applications twice a year.
Next application deadline: February 16th, 2025 at 23.59.
You can apply for grants of 15.000 DKK – 150.000 DKK per project.

We accept applications in English and Danish.

Who are the funding partners?

Skylab Funding is created in collaboration with and funded by our funding partners listed below. The funding partners hold the mandate entirely to make the final decision on which projects will be awarded a grant.


  • Bevica Fonden
    Supports startups focusing on Universal Design and equal solutions for everyone – regardless of bodily conditions.

  • BioInnovation Institute Foundation
    Supports startups within Life Science and foodtech.

  • Christian Nielsens Fond
    Supports tech-based hardware startups with a clear value proposition and commercial potential. The foundation exclusively provides soft funding grants through Skylab Funding. For information on potential investments or loans, please visit their website.

  • Den Danske Maritime Fond
    Supports startups within the maritime industry and shipping.

  • Det Arnstedske Familiefond
    Supports startups within a broad spectrum of sustainable solutions including environmental and social sustainability.
  • Hans Følsgaard A/S
    Supports startups within automation, containers, greentech, infrastructure, powertech & telecom. 

  • Kai Houmann Nielsens Fond
    Supports tech-based hardware startups with a clear value proposition and commercial potential. 

  • Kaptajn Aage Nielsens Familiefond 
    Supports startups within a broad spectrum of sustainable solutions including environmental and social sustainability.

  • Nimbs Fond
    Supports tech-based startups with a clear value proposition and commercial potential. 

  • Tranes Fond
    Supports tech-based hardware startups with a clear value proposition and commercial potential. 


How do we evaluate applicants?


All applications to Skylab funding are evaluated based on four criteria

  • Novelty: Does your idea clearly differ from existing solutions in the market/industry? It should be clear what makes the business idea innovative, either by utilising new technology/knowledge or by applying existing technology/knowledge in a novel way.

  • Impact: Is it clear how your startup idea will benefit society, e.g in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals or by using the principles of universal design?

  • Feasibility: Is the startup idea technically and commercially feasible and realizable?

  • Diversity: Do you have a diverse team? (in terms of gender and competence profiles)

Based on the evaluations made by Skylabs commercial and technical experts and the funding partners support areas, we highlight the most suitable projects for our different funding partners (see list above). Subsequently, the funding partners themselves screen the projects and ultimately select which projects they will fund.

Note that this process can take a couple of months so please be patient.

All applications will be handled confidentially. You cannot apply on behalf of others; students who apply should be the founder or at least have ownership of the idea, project, or start-up.


What do the grants cover?

Our funding partners support within different areas, but in general it applies to all that:


Funding partners DO cover:

  • Materials for prototyping

  • Development and test of prototype

  • Expenses in relation to relevant conference participation, travel etc.

  • Expenses in relations to external knowledge providers such as consultants, developers & manufacturers

  • Rental of equipment

  • Specialised software/hardware for tasks requiring specialised equipment

Funding partners DO NOT cover:

  • Salaries

  • General operations

  • Regular office supplies

  • IT hardware for regular office work, phones etc.

  • Catering


How do I apply for Skylab Funding?

You can apply via our online application form. To apply for Skylab funding you will need:


  • A two-page start-up description (find our template and an example of a good Skylab funding application in the application page)

  • A budget detailing how you will spend the grant that you apply for (find our template in the application page)

  • A logo for your start-up

  • A picture of your start-up

  • Contact details for all team members


If you have trouble uploading the application, please contact us at

Ida Bjerring Mehl

Ida Bjerring Mehl Funding Program Manager