Resources for start-ups

DTU Skylab

For Startups

DTU Skylab provides resources to nurture innovation on the users’ terms. Engaging in concrete projects, students, employees, and businesses can work together to create technology for people.

We believe that innovation is a team sport, and to excel at it you have to be open, invite the outside world inside, and use the right resources at the right time. On these pages, we provide an overview of some of the main resources at DTU Skylab.

Funding opportunities:


As a researcher at DTU you have access to a range of funding opportunities.

  • Discovery Grants: DTU’s own instrument for funding commercialisation projects emerging from research done at DTU. Read more! 
  • Proof of Concept Grants: Another DTU instrument for funding commercialisation projects. Read more!
  • InnoExplorer Grants: A national funding programme operated by Innovation Fund Denmark. Read more!

Questions? - Please contact your innovation partner 



Students at DTU can apply for funding via the DTU Skylab Funding programme.

Questions? - Please come to our introduction events listed in the calendar or book a meeting via the "Ask a start-up coach"-service found under the Got an idea? tab.

Other resources:

Students, Researchers (In Start-ups)

Funding is not the only driver - take a look at these resources from DTU Skylab:

  • Incubator: Get access to the shared office space on the first floor of Skylab. Here you can work with you team 24/7 alongside other ambitious teams. Read more!
  • Ignite: Become a customer-driven startup team in 10 weeks. Read more!


Do you want to make a difference for young startups and help bring innovative technology from the university into the real world? Then you might be a great fit for DTU’s mentor programme for pre-startups.

Our mentors and co-founders are a mix of experienced serial entrepreneurs, C level industry professionals and specialists.

Interested? - Contact Jens Friholm

The mentor programme is one of the pieces in the puzzle of creating a link between DTU as a fantastic education institution and industry. It helps new companies get started and find their place in society where they can contribute and create jobs
Birger Schneider Director and Founder of Charmaj