Application Round: Skylab Programmes

Application Round: Skylab Programmes


03. jan 10:00 - 16. feb 23:59

Application Round: Skylab Programmes

If you have a great idea, sign up for one of our various startup programmes.

Besides access to a range of funding opportunities, we offer desk space, coaching, community, facility access and more in our startup programs. You can find out more about the individual programmes here: Skylab FundingSkylab Incubator, and Skylab Prototype2Market.

Apply for Skylab Funding & Incubator here!

Apply for Skylab Prototype2Market here!

Skylab Ignite will not be running in the Spring 2025.


Antonia Celinah Majlund Bjørstorp

Antonia Celinah Majlund Bjørstorp Project Coordinator; Skylab Startup team DTU Skylab