MiniSprint x Svitzer


MiniSprint x Svitzer


06. mar 09:00 - 16:30


DTU Skylab, Centrifugevej 374, 2800 Kongens Lyngby


Sara Dømler

MiniSprint x Svitzer

One day innovation sprint, to come up with sustainable ideas for the maritime sector


At DTU Skylab Minisprint you will work side by side with company representatives, fellow students from different study lines and researchers. In a fun and playful way, you will apply DTU Skylab design tools & methods and together tackle the real-life sustainability challenge presented by Svitzer.

Svitzer is a maritime company with towage being one of their main services.

During this Minisprint you will work with Svitzers Decarbonisation team on how to make their services more sustainable by mitigating greenhouse gas emissions of their tugboats throughout the life cycle.


The event is open to DTU students across all departments and study lines. There is no specific knowledge required, however you must bring motivation and curiosity to work innovatively with the case in an interdisciplinary team.

Why join?

  • Acquire Innovation skills
  • Network with other students
  • Connect with industry representatives
  • Develop sustainable solutions. Reach new insights by bringing together perspectives from industry and academia
  • Get introduced to a topic for future work (e.g. as master thesis, a startup or other project)


The MiniSprint takes place:

  • Wednesday March 6th 9-16:30
  • DTU Skylab, Centrifugevej 374, 2800 Kongens Lyngby


Learn more

Learn more about the MiniSprint here