OpenSky: Personal Power in Presentations


OpenSky: Personal Power in Presentations


10. apr 17:17 - 18:18


DTU Skylab - Auditorium

OpenSky: Personal Power in Presentations

Monthly talks from experts on different topics relevant to DTU students, researchers, and people in the DTU Skylab ecosystem


Join us for our next OpenSky! This time we will seek expert insights on how to deliver powerful presentations from Lisbeth Holdt Jørgensen, CEO of Voice Incorporated. 

The topic:

It's not just what you say. The way of delivering the speech is equally crucial. With a completely new approach to presentation technique, you will get effective tools that transform your presentation. You learn not only to engage your audience and deliver powerful presentations, but also to feel more comfortable and confident. We test practical tools, and together we explore the language of voice and body to support more effective communication.


The Auditorium at DTU Skylab in Kongens Lyngby


17:17: Hello’s and welcome!

17:20: Anette Nørgaard on How to Network IRL with an interactive twist

18:00 – 18:18: Beverages, Bites and Bye’s


OpenSky is our new concept where we focus on putting actions behind words from industry professionals. The topic can change from time to time, and we are very open to your suggestions!

Sign-up here: